Ingredients and Recipes in Cakenote come with some special settings that determine how that ingredient or recipe is treated.
Although some settings are included on both Ingredients and Recipes, Recipes have a few more options. For this reason, I will cover Recipes in this article and state what is not included with an Ingredient. Lets take a look at the Settings Panel for a Recipe...
Enable As Flavour
Displayed with: Recipes
If 'Enable As Flavour' is switched ON, the Recipe will be available to use as the Flavour for a Cake on the Designer and there will be some extra options.
FLAVOUR VISUAL: This is how you want this flavour to appear. This is used in various places throughout Cakenote, such as the Cake Slice Diagram.
Colour: Select a colour for the Flavour.
Image: Select an image for the Flavour.
CUSTOM PRICING: When this recipe is used as a Flavour, Cakenote will get the pricing directly from this Recipe itself.
GROUP PRICING: When this recipe is used as a Flavour, Cakenote will get the pricing from Global Settings, so that it is easier to manage multiple items with similar pricing.
UNIT: This is the Unit of pricing you wish to use.
Per Item: A whole amount for one single unit of the item. For example, if you set this to $5 Per Item, it will cost $5 per cake you add it to.
Per Litre: Price will be calculated based on the volume of the cake it is applied to.
Per Portion: Price will be calculated based on the number of standard servings of the cake it is applied to.
PRICE: How much do you wish to sell the Flavour for (as per unit selected)?
Enable As Coating
Displayed with: Ingredients and Recipes
If 'Enable As Coating' is switched ON, the Ingredient/Recipe will be available to use as a Coating for a Cake on the Designer and there will be some extra options.
COATING VISUAL: This is how you want the Coating to appear. This is used in various places throughout Cakenote, such as the Cake Slice Diagram. If this is the last Coating applied to a Cake, this Coating Visual will also be applied to the Cake (automatically via Fill Tool).
Colour: Select a colour for the Coating.
Image: Select an image for the Coating.
CUSTOM PRICING: When this Ingredient/Recipe is used as a Coating, Cakenote will get the pricing directly from this Ingredient/Recipe itself.
GROUP PRICING: When this Ingredient/Recipe is used as a Coating, Cakenote will get the pricing from Global Settings, so that it is easier to manage multiple items with similar pricing.
UNIT: This is the Unit of pricing you wish to use.
Per Item: A whole amount for one single unit of the item. For example, if you set this to $5 Per Item, it will cost $5 per cake you add it to.
Per Litre: Price will be calculated based on the volume of the Coating. This is calculated based on the surface area of the cake it is applied to, and the thickness of the Coating.
Per Portion: Price will be calculated based on the number of Standard Servings of the cake it is applied to.
PRICE: How much do you wish to sell the Coating for (as per unit selected)?
Enable As Layer
Displayed with: Ingredients and Recipes
If 'Enable As Layer' is switched ON, the Ingredient/Recipe will be available to use as a Layer from the Layered Cake Tool, and there will be some extra options.
LAYER VISUAL: This is how you want the Ingredient/Recipe to appear when it is selected as a Layer from the Layered Cake Tool.
Colour: Select a colour for the Layer.
Image: Select an image for the Layer.
Add Ingredients
Displayed with: Recipes
If 'Add Ingredients' is switched ON, it basically means you want this to be a "proper" Recipe with Ingredients and a Method etc. Upon switching this option ON, the Cost Per Kg field will disappear and a few new panels will appear on the Recipe form.
These new panels allow you to create a full blown Recipe with Ingredients, amounts, yield, a method, notes and costing information. Click here to learn more about How to Create Detailed Recipes.
Cost Per Kg
Displayed with: Ingredients and Recipes (depending on 'Add Ingredients')
Ingredients will always have the Cost Per Kg field because this is essentially how Cakenote knows how to calculate Recipes with Ingredients within them.
Recipes however, will only display this field if the 'Add Ingredients' option is switched OFF. The reason for this is that if Ingredients are added to the Recipe, the Cost Per Kg will be calculated automatically based on the ingredients added.
If you wish to keep things simple and just create a quick Recipe with no Ingredients within it ('Add Ingredients' option switched OFF), you will need to calculate your Cost Per Kg manually and enter it here (if you want Cakenote to calculate pricing accurately).