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The Coating Tool

Learn how to use the Coating Tool.

Serkan Yener avatar
Written by Serkan Yener
Updated over 5 years ago

The Coatings Tool allows you to add coatings to a cake (eg. ganache or fondant etc.). It will only be available when a Cake element is selected.

The coatings list will only display Ingredients and Recipes that have the Enable as Coating setting switched ON. After selecting the coating, pricing will automatically be calculated based on the Ingredient's or Recipe's Coating Pricing settings. If the pricing unit is set to 'Per Litre', the price will also take the thickness of the coating into account when calculating pricing.ย 

Up to 5 coatings can be added per cake. Cakenote considers the first coating to be the first one that is applied in real life. For this reason, the last Coating on the list will also alter the cakes visual appearance on the canvas (based on Coating Visual settings). This alteration is simply using the Fill Tool to apply the coatings visual automatically, but after applying the coating, you can always open up the Fill Tool and change the visual appearance as you see fit. Click here to learn more about Ingredient's and Recipe's settings.

Coatings can also be added through the Properties Panel.

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