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The Ribbon Tool

How to use the Ribbon Tool to add Ribbons to Cakes and Boards.

Serkan Yener avatar
Written by Serkan Yener
Updated over 5 years ago

The Ribbon Tool can be used to add ribbon to the sides of Cakes and Boards. Ribbon pricing will be calculated based on what is set on the Ribbon item.

The Ribbon Tool will only appear if a multifaceted object ( cake or board ) is selected.

To add a Ribbon, select a Cake or a Board, and click on the Ribbon Tool icon. The Ribbon Tool will appear with a drop-down selection to select the ribbon's height. After selecting a height, the Ribbon will be added to the element and the Fill Mode options will appear to allow you to either change the ribbons colour or add a Ribbon from the Ribbons Library. 

Fill Modes

The Ribbon Tool has 2 types of fill modes. 


Apply and adjust colours of the selected elements (default mode). 


The RIBBON option lets you apply a Ribbon item from the Ribbons Library. The tool will show you all Ribbons from the Ribbons library. The pattern applied to the Ribbon will be the image that is set up on the Ribbon item that is used. 

After the Ribbon is applied, if the fill type of the Ribbon is set to 'Tile', the Pattern Controls can be used to adjust how the Ribbon pattern looks on the Cake. Click here to learn more about Pattern Controls

Note: Applying a Ribbon by selecting the height and adjusting its colour with the FLAT COLOUR mode, will not affect any pricing of your Design. Pricing will only be calculated if a Ribbon item is selected from the Ribbons Library. Pricing will be calculated based on that particular Ribbon Item. See Pricing Settings for more information.

Ribbon Position

The Ribbon Position control also appears once the Ribbon height is selected. It allows you to move the ribbon vertically on the element.

Detaching a Ribbon

Normally, after a Ribbon is applied to a element, it is still considered part of that element but in some cases, you may wish to detach the Ribbon and have it as its own element. 

To do this, click the 'Detach as Layer' option at the bottom of the Ribbon Tool. This will detach the Ribbon as an "image only" layer which you can move around, scale, rotate and skew. After a Ribbon is detached, you can still adjust its colour with either the Fill Tool or the Ribbon Tool, and you can still adjust the Ribbon pattern through the Ribbon Tool.

Removing a Ribbon

To remove a Ribbon, click the 'Remove' option at the bottom of the Ribbon Tool. 

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